Die Stunde NullDas ÄgernisDie Stunde NullStupa-WahlDie Stunde Null

Dezember 2009

President George W. Bush

British Embassy

Embassy of the United States in Berlin

Consulate General of the Unites States in Hamburg

President Barak Obama

Embassy of the United States in Berlin




Heinz  Drews                                                                             Monday,   21st of  July 2008

Trittauer Amtsweg 42

22179 Hamburg



To the President of the United States of  America

Mr. George W. Bush

The White House Office

Washington D.C. 20500



Dear Mr. President,

On the 3rd of April 2008 I wrote to the General Consulate of the United States in Hamburg asking for political asylum. This not so much for me being a citizen of Germany but rather for my wife, who came from  Togo to Germany. We got married in Togo in January 2005. A little more than three month later the Goethe- Institute in Lomé, the capital of Togo, was burned down. All the Germans, who lived and worked in Togo, had to leave the country and fled into the neighbour –countries Ghana and Benin. These events have affected my wife and me, and since then there is continuous pressure because of the political situation in Togo, and it would be a great help to get released from any kind of persecution and suppression. Recently I have been warned from some official place in Germany, that I should not mention anything about Togo in public neither as far as it concerns me personally nor as far as it concerns the situation in common, because it could even be dangerous for the family of my wife. This of course I will not do, why should I submit to any kind of dictatorship in Africa?

My letter to the General Consulate in Hamburg has been answered  by the American Citizen Services of the U.S. Embassy Berlin. They recommended me to a German place, where I received no help. Dated on the 19th of April I wrote to the American Citizen Services. The writing is included. The content of it I would like to bring to your knowledge.

May I draw your attention to another point, which is an essential part of my biography. More than forty years ago I frequented a Christian mission-school  in France. It was run by American churches and directed by an American teachers staff.

During the time, when I was a student there, have arisen different opinions on theological and political subjects. I will not go into details. Just let me mention one subject, which concerns the development of church life in Europe and Germany. After more than forty years I have to admit, that the warnings, the assessments and the predictions, that had been presented by American church leaders, have proved to be justified.

I had resisted against  certain theological and political positions represented by American church leaders, therefore I underline my statement expressed above. Allow me please to give an example: The European Community was aiming for some years to establish a European Constitution. The endeavour  failed because the majority of the people in France and the Netherlands rejected it. After this failure an attempt has been made to replace the European Constitution by a “Treaty of Foundation”, which has been rejected by the majority of the people of Ireland already.

Both, the European Constitution an the Treaty of Foundation, do not mention with a single word or hint the history of the Christian faith and church in the history of Europe. There must arise the impression from an outstanding side, as if a Christian church and faith has never existed. Furthermore, the abstention of Christian principles  leads to a downfall in any society. To exclude the Christian faith from the state and the society is an offence against the principles of democracy. It should be allowed to express this opinion within a state and society build upon a democratic constitution.

After the 11th of September 2001 Billy Graham spoke in a memorial service held for the victims of the attack on the Twin-Towers. He emphasized the need of the spiritual awakening of the Christian faith in America. Not only America needs it, the whole world needs it, especially for the western world the necessity is evident.  The western world, who is very proud of its achievements, that it has developed in history.  But the western society has turned away from the commandments that had been given on Mount Sinai. As longer as it continuous in this way, as more its position and influence  will be weakened.

In America there is a strong Christian community, strong in conviction and strong in commitment, stronger than anywhere else in the world. This community is capable to lay the foundation for a renewal of Christianity and the Christian faith.

America, because of its constitution and its traditional development of democratic institutions, has also the capability to bring about the necessary political change.

After many experiences on the political and the theological field, I will put my trust in Americas willingness and readiness to work for reform and reformation.

Cordially yours

             Heinz Drews
     Heinz Drews




Heinz Drews                                                          Hamburg, 31st of July 2009

Trittauer Amtsweg 42

22179 Hamburg



British Embassy

Wilhelmstraße 70

10117 Berlin


To whom it may concern,


 Before I put my request before the British Embassy I would like to refer to the following writings which were directed to the President of the United States, Mr. George W. Bush, dated on the 21st of July 2008 together with the writing to the  President of the United States in office, Mr. Barak Obama, dated on the 2nd February 2009.

Two letters with an equal content were send to the American Embassy in Berlin and the American Consulate General in Hamburg on the 30th of April 2009. An answer to my requests and statements put before the White House and the diplomatic representations I have not received. I have real doubts, weather my letters to the White House have reached its destination to serve its purpose, because my post communications are under control.

The four letters mentioned are included as a copy. I would be grateful, if I succeed in drawing the attention of the contend to the British Embassy.

Experiences that contain en essential part of my life had provoked me to express my opinion. These experiences in view I ask for some understanding.

American and French policy have effected my life in a way which could not be tolerated. I found it difficult to bring the political principles and actions of these two powers to the level of democracy and democratic constitutions.

I do not intend to go to much into details as far as it concerns my private life. Some of these details could be sorted  out of the included letters.

Meant is the American policy towards Greece and Cyprus during the year from 1967 until 1974. Meant is also the French policy in Africa especially in the Republic of Togo in the year 2005 with an  historical background behind. France does not appreciate any German influence and activities in Togo, and it is even ready to act with military  force. I expressed my view openly and clearly before the French Embassy in Berlin, and if there should be any disagreement from the French side, they have the possibility to go about likewise, openly and clearly. Hidden actions could not impress me in any way. When French and German politicians talk about reconciliation and friendship, I am seized by certain doubts.

This, my opinion, I explained also to the German Minister  of Foreign Affaires, Mr. Frank Walter Steinmeier, I met him on the 13th of February 2009 personally.

However, American and French policy as it is mentioned above had always had great supporters from German policy and politicians until today. There is a German inclination to sponsor the idea of establishing governments by military force. I know by experience of what I am talking. I do not intend to provoke. I prefer alternative solutions instead of supporting any kind of dictatorship.

I do not want to create the spirit of hostility nor do I want to play on political intrigues in order to make use of different interests and positions.

At present time the world is facing one of the greatest economic crisis ever. What today is called globalisation is in fact a global exploitation.  Free trade and free competition in the real sense of its meaning could not find its way in this system, and it will be impossible to establish real social welfare.

An economic war is waged, similar to the economic war between World War I and World War II. Historical experience should teach responsible politicians to avoid such a development.

My critical view on the policy of the victorious nations of World War I and World War II in the war against Germany should not be overestimated. It applies especially to the four powers, who had taken control over Germany after World War II. These four powers should not be upset too much, because my greatest adversaries and opponents have come from Germany.

German politicians, individuals and authorities have raised a plea against me saying the choice of my expressions is inadequate. A good reason to sustain this argument may always be found. My German compatriots by their criticism are able to play on my publications on historical facts and political events the wise and moderate stateswomen and statesmen. I candidly confess, it is difficult for me to tolerate this attitude. All those, who expostulate with me, avoid carefully to mark out  clear points. Most actions towards me are carried out in a clandestine way. Public means and responsible politicians in Germany are psychologically in a difficult position. This might be the reason, why I continually come across obstacles, set up with the intention to hinder the success of my efforts. If my efforts would be successful public means and responsible politicians could loose prestige. To keep up personal prestige is of more value to them than the possible success of my political endeavour. I got this impression because of a number of experiences. Therefore my hint to a well known quotation of Sir Winston Churchill in my letter to the American diplomatic representations.

Allow me to bring about some historical examples.

After World War II, on the 25th of February 1947, the state of Prussia was eliminated, in putting this state on the same level with the state of the Nazis. This policy, carried out by the three powers: America, Soviet Union and Great Britain, cannot be justified.

High officers, who stood in the tradition of Prussia and its history, tried already in 1938 to eliminate Hitler and his followers. Leading officers of the German army, who tried on the 20th July 1944 to bring an end to the reign of Hitler, were of Prussian origin and tradition.

No resistance against Nazi-rule, it may have been from the Christian churches, the Social Democrats or even the Communists had ever had any support from outside of Germany. They stood there isolated and let alone in their struggle to overcome the Nazi reign of terror.

No one less than Sir Winston Churchill admitted the fact frankly and openly after Word War II.

A war which took place  during the years 1756 until 1763, is called in German history the Seven Years War. Prussia fought in this war against four great continental powers, allied with England and the Kingdom of Hanover. Winston Churchill named this war the First World War in his work: The History of English Speaking People.


In 1761 England made peace with France and left the alliance with Prussia. On this occasion Sir William Pitt stood up in the House of Parliament explaining to its members it to be a shame for England to have left Prussia alone, because English colonies were won on the battlefield in Germany.

William Pitt the Elder undoubtedly is holding a superior position in the line of British statesmen in British history.

The Prussian-German historian, Leopold von Ranke(1795-1886) has left an amplified work on the history of England from the beginning to the end of the 17th century. Winston Churchill in his work “The History of English Speaking People” called von Rankes work the best ever written about English history. Ranke is one of the famously known historians in the German language.

Not to mention Immanuel Kant, a philosopher with international reputation throughout the centuries, who derived from Scottish ancestors.

I leave it with these few instances, many more could be added.

There should be no misunderstanding, I do not intend to turn back the wheel of history. I rather prefer history to be used as a means of mutual respect instead of making it a ground for a policy of accusation and vengeance. There are many good reasons to take an alternative step to renew the relations between people and nations in the spirit of reconciliation.

In my letter to President George W. Bush and President Barak Obama I referred to Christian organisations with strong influence in the American society and with growing influence in South America especially in Brazil. In Brazil there is also a Christian movement within the Roman Catholic Church, formerly sponsored by Pope John Paul II and at present time by Pope Benedict XVI. Meant is the charismatic Christian movement. In 1961 and 1962 I frequented a Christian college in Britain. The time of study I have spent in those days I would not like to miss in my life. Several times I have tried to renew the contact but in vain. I have complete understanding for this restraint of Christian Churches and organisations in Britain. They do not want to get entangled in the many struggles I am involved in. At times I have suffered a severe persecution from different sides in Germany in the last four decades. In 1989 and 1991 it culminated in efforts to declare mentally sickness on me, obviously with the intention to keep me away from political activities or to express my opinion publicly.

In  my defence against this unlawful treatment I received great consolation by the attitude of the Embassy of Israel in Germany.

During my time in Britain at Elim Bible College in London I found real Christian fellowship. The place and the education was imbued with the spirit of good Christian tradition. There was a deep concern for the spiritual welfare of the country.

In Germany Christian churches and movements suffered great losses by the blow of Nazi- Persecution.

After World War II and the division of Germany, Communist rulers had established Atheism as state religion.

A blow and heavy losses came about Christian values because of what is called: The System of Western Values. Anyone, who tries to postulate and to proclaim Christian values  could  easily come under the suspicion to be an opponent  of democracy.

Tolerance and democracy are the expressions used to weaken Christian positions and organisations in the society.

I am very convinced that the Ten Commandments, the basics of the Jewish and Christian religion, are not an offence to the principles of democracy and democratic constitution as long as theses basics and foundations are not brought about by means of a police state and dictatorship, which has happened even in our modern times.

Individuals, groups and organisations, who stand up to undermine in words and deeds Christian values, enjoy the freedom of democratic constitution unto the utmost.

Among the Ten Commandments are some, which can be denied and rejected under the auspice of democracy.

Why should leaders of Christian churches and organisations not have the guarantee for freedom of expression and opinion? The question is justified in view of developments in the societies of the free western world.

Democracy without values and virtues will fall aside. Values are necessary and may be taken from Christianity and from the values of Enlightenment.

The “Glorious Revolution” in the English history in 1688 differs from the French Revolution 1789 and the October- Revolution, as it was called, in Russia in 1917.

The revolution  1688 in England was a decisive step to parliamentary democracy and thus became an example and initiation for other state- theories and organisations. This revolution was not a revolution with the target to eliminate the Christian basics in state and society as it were 1789 in the French revolution and even more in the revolution 1917 in Russia.

This is the remarkable difference.

In Europe rivalries of different kind should come to an end in view of the clashes, which led to the greatest destruction in the history of the European nations in the past century.

A courageous step should eagerly be taken, otherwise the well known saying of Sir Edward Grey, when World War I broke out, could reach its entire fulfilment: “Lights are extinguishing in Europe, and no one will ever see them shining again.”

This applies to the theological issue just as much as to the political issue.


Cordially yours     Heinz Drews




Heinz Drews                                                                           Hamburg, 30th of April 2009

Trittauer Amtsweg 42

22179 Hamburg


 Embassy of the United States of America

Pariser Platz 2

10117 Berlin


 To whom it may concern,

 On the 2nd of February 2009 I send a letter to the President of the United States of  America, Mr Barak Obama. The letter is included as a copy.

Doubts are justified, whether the letter has arrive at its destination to serve its purpose.

In Germany my post communications are under control. Very recently it has happened, that a letter send to me has been taken out of its envelope and been returned to the sender. The envelope contained also a personal letter to me. I did not receive it, evidently it has been confiscated. These measures mentioned are in contradiction of the constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany. Therefore my confidence has reached its limit and my suspicion is justified.

My publicly expressed opinion is not appreciated. Especially not within the four powers, who had a decisive influence in  Germany for almost fifty years, and had in 1990 in the Four plus Two Negotiations established the reunification of Germany.

My attitude clearly expressed publicly could be encountered likewise. This expectation is not beyond the limit set up by the principles of democracy.

The four powers mentioned above envy Germanys position gained after the second world war. Even though there is rivalry among themselves, for instance between America and France in 2003, or between Russia and NATO at the present time, they unite immediately, when it concerns their relation and position towards Germany. I know this by experience. The reactions I received are disappointing, even more disappointing are the reactions of German authorities and politicians of which a reasonable explanation cannot be found. They fight against me for no reason at all. The only reason to be found is mere jealousy. They envy my possible success. The blow, I received from the German side, exceeds everything happened in my live. I stood before a German mentality clearly and openly described by Sir Winston Churchill. Decades of experience have brought me to this assessment. To avoid misunderstanding, I will always call upon the spirit of reconciliation.

After these arguments I would be grateful, if I receive any answer from the Embassyof the United States to my letter with the above mentioned date. I hope, there will be no disapproval.

Furthermore, I hope to find understanding for my aim to certify, whether my concern expressed to President Barak Obama has come to his knowledge. It will be my continuous endeavour to get any kind of confirmation to ensure my efforts.

The same applies to my letter written to the President of the United States, Mr George W. Bush, on the 21st July 2008.

Worlds economic situation at the present time is very similar to the economic development between the first world war and the second world war. There is a way out, but the measures taken to overcome the present crisis will be insufficient.

Patriotism is highly estimated in America. It is therefore amazing to see how the United States render themselves to capital of the Peoples Republic of China. How shall these two facts correspond?

 If America takes the step for a real reform like it did in Bretton Woods, it will regain sympathy and influence that might have been damaged.

I have studied history at the University of Hamburg and finished successfully with a Masters Degree. I intend to continue studies to achieve a Doctors Degree. I would like to go to the United States for language studies. I have already searched out an American University for this special purpose.


Cordially yours       Heinz Drews




Heinz Drews                                                                           Hamburg, 30th of April 2009

Trittauer Amtsweg 42

22179 Hamburg



Consulate General of the United States of America

Alsterufer 27

20354 Hamburg



To whom it may concern,


On the 2nd of February 2009 I send a letter to the President of the United States of  America, Mr Barak Obama. The letter is included as a copy.

Doubts are justified, whether the letter has arrive at its destination to serve its purpose.

In Germany my post communications are under control. Very recently it has happened, that a letter send to me has been taken out of its envelope and been returned to the sender. The envelope contained also a personal letter to me. I did not receive it, evidently it has been confiscated. These measures mentioned are in contradiction of the constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany. Therefore my confidence has reached its limit and my suspicion is justified.

My publicly expressed opinion is not appreciated. Especially not within the four powers, who had a decisive influence in  Germany for almost fifty years, and had in 1990 in the Four plus Two Negotiations established the reunification of Germany.

My attitude clearly expressed publicly could be encountered likewise. This expectation is not beyond the limit set up by the principles of democracy.

The four powers mentioned above envy Germanys position gained after the second world war. Even though there is rivalry among themselves, for instance between America and France in 2003 or between Russia and NATO at the present time, they unite immediately, when it concerns their relation and position towards Germany. I know this by experience. The reactions I received are disappointing, even more disappointing are the reactions of German authorities and politicians of which a reasonable explanation cannot be found. They fight against me for no reason at all. The only reason to be found is mere jealousy. They envy my possible success. The blow, I received from the German side, exceeds everything happened in my live. I stood before a German mentality clearly and openly described by Sir Winston Churchill. Decades of experience have brought me to this assessment. To avoid misunderstanding, I will always call upon the spirit of reconciliation.

After these arguments I would be grateful, if I receive any answer from the Consulate General of the United States to my letter with the above mentioned date. I hope there will be no disapproval.

I hope to find understanding for my aim to certify, whether my concern expressed to President Barak Obama has come to his knowledge. It will be my continuous endeavour to get any kind of confirmation to ensure my efforts.

The same applies to my letter written to the President of the United States, Mr George W. Bush, on the 21st July 2008.

Worlds economic situation at the present time is very similar to the economic development between the first world war and the second world war. There is a way out, but the measures taken to overcome the present crisis will be insufficient.

Patriotism is highly estimated in America. It is therefore amazing to see how the United States render themselves to capital of the Peoples Republic of China. How shall these two facts correspond? If America takes the step for a real reform like it did in Bretton Woods, it will regain sympathy and influence that might have been damaged.

I have studied history at the University of Hamburg and finished successfully with a Masters Degree. I intend to continue studies to achieve a Doctors Degree. I would like to go to the United States for language studies. I have already searched out an American University for this special purpose.


Cordially yours       Heinz Drews




Heinz Drews                                                                       Hamburg, 2nd February 2009

Trittauer Amtsweg 42

22179 Hamburg





The President of the United States of America


Mr. Barak  Obama


The White House Office


Washington D.C. 20500



Dear Mr. President,


On the 20th of January 2009 when the inauguration of your presidency took place, I followed the event on television.

The ceremony was surrounded by a Christian message, the Lords Prayer and in the centre of it the Bible as the necessary part to be sworn in.

Thus the American President and Government is build on Christian principles clearly expressed by the described testimony before taking office in the White House.

The origin of this tradition is deeply rooted in the history of the United States and it is impressive to see how America has always found its way even when it was put to  challenges, which seemed impossible to overcome.

The change of American society within the last fifty years is amazing and admirable, it is the grace of God. It would be of great advantage if such a change could take place in Europe but there is no immediate prospect for such a development.

In the past at times I have been critical about theological and political aspects of American Protestantism. Still I consider it as a backbone and stronghold of the Christian faith in this present world and time, and sometimes I am afraid for this stronghold to become weak.

Another strong Christian community is developing and growing in Brazil.

On the 3rd of April I wrote to the General Consulate of the United States in Hamburg asking for help or even to give me information about the possibility for political asylum. The letter was written in German. It is included as a copy with a translation.

Dated on the 11th of April 2008 I received an answer from the U.S. Embassy Berlin, American Citizen Service. The writing is included as a copy together with my answer dated on the 19th of April 2008.

Dated on the 21st of July I expressed my concern in a letter to your predecessor in office as President of the United States, Mr. George W. Bush.

Again I wrote to the American General Consulate in Hamburg on the 1st of December 2008.

Both writings were left without answer and are included as a copy.

All the information mentioned above will give you a further insight in the matter, and I will be grateful, if you would be able to take it into consideration.

I was looking for help because of my wife, who is from Togo in Africa. My wife and I we have had several dreadful experiences in Germany and it is not yet over. Therefore I try for me and my wife to find a way out and to escape from this situation.

Any official help from the American side could create a delicate political confrontation. American officials could get entangled with its former allies especially with the French side.

My wife is a citizen of the Republic of Togo. In 1884 Germany had set up a colonial rule in Togo, which lasted until 1914 the beginning of World War I. As the war broke out the country was conquered by British and French military forces.

Since then France does not allow any German influence or activity in Togo. French policy would observe carefully German activities in Togo, that they might not go beyond a certain limit, and German policy feels obliged to submit. Togo is an independent country and if any Togo government tries to build up relations with Germany, or if citizens of Togo want to learn the German language, they should freely be able to do so.

Togo got its independence in 1960. Politicians or representatives of the Togo government, who tried to renew the relations with Germany were wiped of from political life in Togo, if it were considered to be necessary in the sight of French interests even by military force.

The last political event along this line took place in 2005.

Shortly after my wife and I got married in Togo in January 2005 a military government was established in Togo in February 2005 supported and tolerated by the French government. It is the same policy France exercises in other African countries.

African politicians have no real choice to avoid submission.

At the end of April 2005 all the Germans, who lived and worked in Togo were cast out of the country and fled into the neighbour countries Ghana and Benin. The Goethe-Institute in the capital Lomé was completely  burned down, devastated  and out of use. CNN gave a report about the event. A spokesman of the Togo government tried to justify the assault before the French speaking television channel TV 5

Obviously in regard to the relation with France, Germany renounced to express any kind of protest. The Germans effected by the attack and hundred forty Togo employees in connection with the Goethe-Institute thus received no help.

After these events   France send even army units into Togo. Germany backed the French position in Togo, which led to a deep downfall of German reputation in Togo.

Several times I expressed clearly and openly my point of view to French Embassy in Berlin. I do not act behind their back, playing on political intrigues. As so more I expect likewise an open action and discussion towards my position, instead of putting pressure on my wife and her family in Togo. I do not appreciate any clandestine activities set up by German and French authorities with the obvious endeavour to hide them before the public. It means, that my wife and the family in Togo should be left in peace. They should not get involved. Anyone, who disagrees with what I have expressed publicly can go easily about in the same fashion.

Again I would like to refer to my last writing to the American General Consulate mentioned above. I explained some events in my life to show, that the French side has no reason at all to exercise any kind of hostility towards me.

I put the question before the French Embassy in Berlin, weather the policy of France really is interested in friendly relations with Germany.

The French policy carried out in Togo in 2005 shows the contrary. I trusted in the policy of reconciliation between France and Germany but greatly had to regret this step I took in my life. After several disappointing experiences, I feel deeply deceived. Sometimes I feel to have trapped into a big ambush.

Another disappointment was the French attitude at the brink of the reunification of Germany in 1989. France and the United Kingdom resisted until the very last minute to give way for the reunification of Germany. The way for the Western World was eventually opened by George Bush sr. as President of the United States. He could count on the support of the Russian government, who were in those days in favour of the reunification of Germany. If Russia also would have resisted, even  American as the greatest superpower would have been in a difficult position.

A few years later the European nations were unable to solve the military conflict on the Balkan. If America would not have taken a decisive action, the conflict could have given birth to  much greater trouble and suffering.

At present time America and the whole world are facing an economic recession, which could lead into a world wide depression to be compared with the worlds economic crisis in 1929 and the years there after.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt tried to meet the challenge by his program of the New Deal to stop rude capitalism by effective laws. Although with New Deal there was no immediate success to be seen, by the time New Deal brought progress and change to the American society never seen before.  In three month from March 1933 to June 1933 sixteen laws were presented to the Congress. Roosevelt received hard criticism for the measures taken, and he called some of his opponents “ordinary criminals”.

In spite of great suffering in many parts of  the United State in those days, America resisted to the temptation to leave the principles of democracy.

The origin of the crisis described  is to be found in an economic war which followed World  War I. All the big powers, who took part in the war, came out of it with national debt.

After the war the victorious nations gathered in Paris to find a peace-solution.

Americas President Woodrow Wilson desired to create a new order for the nations of Europe to open a way for a peaceful solution. The Wilson Administration suggested  to found the Unites Nation Organisation, which was later build up in Geneva. The idea to bring about the spirit of reconciliation was rejected by France and the United Kingdom. Woodrow Wilson was deeply upset and disappointed and stayed away from the “peace conference” in Paris for several month. America did not sign the treaty of Versailles neither joined it the United Nations in Geneva, although the original idea came from America. This has to be said to the  honour of the Unites States. In regard to the Treaty of Versailles Secretary of State, Robert Lansing, wrote in those days: “I would rather die than sign.”

John Maynard Keynes left the conference before it ended with the argument: “Here they prepare for another war.” He was dismissed as British Minister of Finance immediately.

What Britain and France did not give to Woodrow Wilson, they gave abundantly to Hitler some fifteen years later.

I have published a number of articles along that line in Germany, calling upon the spirit of reconciliation at the same time. My endeavour had an unexpected result: German authorities tried two times in 1989 and 1991 to declare me to be mentally sick.

The cases which followed on different tribunals ended in November 2006 before the German Federal Constitutional Court with the result that could not satisfy me, so I opened  a case at the European Court of Human Rights in Strasburg on the 30th January 2007. Since then, I am waiting for a decision.

During the different trials in Germany a had a real support and comfort from the Embassy of  Israel.

The  present economic crisis with an international dimension need another New Deal.

It has to be done, otherwise the whole international community will plunge into utter destruction worse than anything else the world has ever seen before.


Abraham Lincoln gave a statement on the economic issue of vital importance today:

“Labour is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the fruit of labour, and could never have existed if labour had not first existed. Labour is the superior of capital, and deserves much higher consideration.”

There is no such thing as the balance of capital and labour. When we look at the skyscrapers, the transportation systems  across the oceans, factories and production means of all kinds, we imagine the hard work behind it all. A banknote is very light in comparison, a piece of paper, we carry it in our pocket. But this piece of paper depends just as much on labour than everything else we produce. If there would be no production and production means anymore, all those little coins and pieces of paper, we carry with us, would be of no use and no value.

In regard to the statement of Abraham Lincoln our present economic system is turned upside down, therefore it is out of function from time to time.

Capital is ruling labour, this is the greatest contradiction.

The greatest danger for the big industrial nations is national dept, and the greatest challenge is to overcome this danger without inflation.

To close up I would like to refer in a few words to the situation in Africa. All around the coast of the African continent fishing ground is exploited against international law. Big fishing ships with the most modern equipment do fishing before the eyes of the inhabitants of the African coast. The rest which is left for African people may not even be sufficient to survive.

This is only one example, other examples could endlessly be given how the exploitation of the African continent goes on. Africans are utterly defenceless. Thirty thousand people die every single day because of  the exploitation in which the big industrial powers are involved.

Even China and India, who have just escaped from colonial power and colonial rule, do not hesitate to participate in the same fashion from which they have suffered before.


I pray and ask that the blessing of God might be upon you, when you face the task and the challenge which are before you as President of the United States.


Cordially yours       Heinz Drews

Heinz Drews                                                                     Hamburg, 28th June 2011

Trittauer Amtsweg 42

22179 Hamburg



American Embassy

Pariser Platz 2

10117 Berlin



To whom it may concern,


On the 7th of June 2011 I wrote to the French Embassy and on the 9th of June 2011 to the Embassy of the Russian Federation. Both writings will be send by fax together with this writing by fax to the Embassy of the United States.

Allow me please to give a short comment on the two writings mentioned above. Thus I hope to find some understanding from the American side, because it is a very delicate subject I am dealing with.

On Friday the 17th of June 2011 I had  a discussion with the Ambassador  of the United States, His Excellency Philip D. Murphy, here in Hamburg.  It was a fruitful discussion.

After the meeting I had the occasion to talk with a representative of the American Consulate General in Hamburg. In this conversation I pointed to my website under: and there to the button: GB+USA.

My commentaries on events of history together with my political activities are not appreciated in Germany, especially not by German politicians. In fact, I suffered severe hardships and persecutions  which have often past my comprehension.

Many times I stood under the impression, my opponents in Germany could have been under political pressure from outside of Germany because of my critical view  on some of the victorious nations after the First Word War and after the Second  World War but the impression has been disproved especially lately. Even if there would have been such political pressure, it could not justify the measures carried out towards the political opinion expressed in my publications. I am firmly convicted concerning the matter.

I do not want to provoke anyone by putting down these lines, and I am not looking for compassion. However, false information have been spread about me by German authorities in whatsoever position, throughout the decades behind. None of the leading politicians in Germany, who are informed of my publications, and who strongly oppose my endeavour have ever openly given me the reason or explanation to what I could have done wrong to my native country. This applies to the time of Germanys chancellor  Helmut Kohl, chancellor Gerhard Schröder and even more to chancellor Angela Merkel. I express my political opinion publicly and openly, information could be drawn from my website anytime everywhere in the world.

I do not play secretly on intrigues, and the information given to the Embassy of the Unites States herewith are known to many responsible personalities in Germany.

The obstacles set up for me by German politicians in order to avoid any success of my activities could be found in mere personal prestige.

In 1985  I gave a critical comment on American culture influence in Germany. America is the greatest producer of pornographic literature. When I gave a critical view on the fact and its influence in Germany, I was confronted with the attempt to bring about me a psychological treatment. Is this German understanding of democracy or American understanding of democracy? I do not know where the origin and the initiative of such an attempt should be found. I am not interested to search and to find out who has influenced whom.

I rather prefer a dialogue which paves the way to mutual understanding to build up relations and cultural exchanges in the spirit of reconciliation. I am not interested to base my arguments on accusations of various kinds.

I am convinced, this should be done immediately because there is not much time left to overcome the challenges the internationals community is confronted with.

In the past decades I have favoured the alliance between France and Germany, and I fought for it fervently in spite of many disappointments. However, there has never been any response from the French side, there was rather an attitude of antagonism.

Likewise I was strongly convinced of the necessity to find ways of cooperation between Russia and the Western World. I started my efforts already during the time of the Soviet-Union but all in vain. A book could have been written about the various ways to find contacts, it was all ignored until this very day.

In my writing to the French Embassy I mentioned the Greek military government which established a military rule in Greece from 1967 until 1974. I will not explain how far I was involved in  unpleasant experiences. I was convinced of the injustice, and I am still, done to the Greek nation and expressed it throughout the years passed by.  From the Greek side I encountered an attitude of disdain on various levels. In autumn 2009 I tried for the last time by telephone calls, e Mail letters and other ways of communication also with Greek diplomatic representations, there was no reply, and  I remained empty handed.

If anyone, wherever, disagrees with any political positions represented in my publications, it could be expressed openly and clearly without hesitation. This statement applies first of all to the German side because most of  my publications have been expressed in the German language and contain an appeal to politics represented by politicians, public means and the German society as a whole. Events of German history play a mayor part in the effort to reach public consciousness and opinion.

The German history has more to offer than only Hitler. This view is generally not accepted in Germany, in German society, by politicians of all parties represented in the Federal Parliament in Berlin and by politicians elsewhere. Wherever I appear to present my ideas, they are rejected. If so, why should individuals, states and other institutions outside of Germany put more interest in the cause of Germany than the Germans themselves? I do not expect this.

One reproach continuously made points to the style and the choice of my expressions. It has been said quite often to have left the way of diplomacy and the style to represent my views is inadequate. “Quiet diplomacy” is here one of the keywords. Now, the result of this kind of diplomacy is obviously to be seen daily everywhere, especially in Africa.

The exploitation of the African continent by the big industrial nations should come to an end.

The crisis of the European common currency has raised in several countries of Europe  an attitude not far away from hostility as if Germany is responsible of all the development  which has lead Europe again into a dangerous situation. Europe might fall again into the same abyss as it were in the past, and America could be pulled down together with it.

Recently I came across of some information about secret gatherings between the former President of the United States, George W. Bush, and Germanys chancellor Angela Merkel. To be quite honest, I do not expect any good results neither for America nor for Germany.

Germanys chancellor Angela Merkel has chosen freely this way of communication, she was by no means under political pressure.


I remain cordially yours










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